Getting a bit closer to nature….

On a daily basis our laboratories are committed in the search for new plants and their
application. It’s a long , delicate process, & these steps allow us to give you a guarantee of
real results, quality & safety . Thanks to a regional network of invested players, we are able
to regularly analyse plants that belong to local and traditional lists of medicinal drugs & their
uses , a veritable pharmacopeia.
With the collaboration of university labs we set up objective blue prints in the search for
unusual active substances. These can sometimes take 3 to 4 years of research to bear

Controlled Formulas

The Research & Development of our products follows procedures laid down by the
pharmaceutical industry concerning Best Practices, and governed by independent experts
within this industry. Our products therefore follow a strict protocol and validation process
ensuring our guarantee of quality , & reliability.

Our Laboratories & Organic Cosmetics

Our partners are renowned laboratories from the world of natural cosmetics and are involved
on a national level in the defining and development of scientific research. Our main
collaborator is also part of a pioneering group, who laid down the conditions for ethical
cosmetics approved and adopted by the Ministry of Trade & Industry in 2001.

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